Maria J. Weseloh

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85 (building 94 (CXNS) – room O3.112)
22607 Hamburg, Germany

Postdoctoral Researcher

Being eager to research on electronic structure theory, I am particularly interested in light-matter interactions and material properties originating from electronic correlations. During my PhD studies, I pursued my research interests by studying light-matter interactions and material properties in the context of multinary quantum-well laser systems in Prof. Stephan Koch's theoretical semiconductor physics research group. At this stage of my research, I combined DFT with the group's fully quantized theory for light-matter interactions. During my first postdoc, I researched on strongly correlated systems, specifically on multiferroic systems, and gained proficiency in configuration interaction calculations at the ILL Theory Group and the CNRS Théorie de la Matière Condensée group under supervision of Dr. Marie-Bernadette Lepetit. After this, I returned to the field of light-matter interactions, this time in the non-linear regime, researching on the description of X-ray optical wavemixing (XOWM) processes, in the FS-TUXS group of Prof. Nina Rohringer. Currently, I am aiming to improve the description XOWM processes from the ab initio point of view and am aiming to extend the corresponding theory to correlated systems.

Academic Career

since 2022
Research scientist in FS-TUXS group of the DESY Photon Science Division, Hamburg, Germany
Postdoctoral Researcher in the groups Condensed Matter Theory , CNRS - Institut Néel, and ILL Theory Group, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
Ph.D. In Physics, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany.
Thesis Title: Microscopic Modeling of Novel Semiconductor Heterostructure Properties